
There are two schools in Starland County located in the villages of Morrin and Delia.  The schools are within the Prairie Land Regional Division #25.

One of the largest school jurisdictions in Alberta, Prairie Land encompasses approximately 15,500 square kilometres (6,000 square miles) in the East-Central region of the province. The Prairie Land school jurisdiction is sparsely populated and located a considerable distance from major urban centres. 

Although geographically very large, the jurisdiction serves a population of around 1600 students in grades one to twelve, as well as approximately 112 kindergarten students. The economic base in the region is historically agricultural although in recent years there have been increasing levels of energy related development. Prairie Land's Central Office is located in the town of Hanna.

Prairie Land Regional Division was formed in January, 1995 as part of the restructuring of education governance in the Province of Alberta, Canada. At that time, four small school divisions, (Berry Creek, Neutral Hills, Rangeland and Starland), joined together in an effort to reduce the costs associated with system governance and administration. Prairie Land prides itself on delivering quality education through a variety of means to all the students in the jurisdiction, regardless of their location. The eight member Board of Trustees has a strong commitment to maintaining its small schools and seeking innovative means of delivering quality programming to students in remote centres.

Delia School
Delia School strives to motivate students to be actively involved in appropriate levels of instruction, to achieve academic success and personal growth in a safe environment, ultimately becoming socially responsible lifelong learners.
Delia School's moto is 'If you believe it, You can achieve it.'
Delia school offers kindergarten to grade 12, with approximately 12 educational staff, plus educational assistants, and about 120 students attending. There are many extracurricular athletic and scholastic programs available. Delia School operates under the Prairie Land Regional School Division. Beginning in the 2009-10 schools year, Delia school started a CTS trailer where students are able to do work on woodworking and metal work. In 2014, Delia school installed two state of the art video conferencing rooms.

Contact Information:
Phone: 403-364-3777
Fax: 403-364-3805
Email: [email protected] 
Address: Box 236
Delia, Alberta
T0J 0W0

Morrin School
School Mission: Through a positive, student-centered, team approach, Morrin School strives to assist each student in becoming a successful, responsible citizen and lifelong learner.
Morrin School is a learning community that is home to 152 students from ECS – Grade 12. We offer students a variety of academic programs as well as many extracurricular opportunities. We have a mobile CTS lab that students can take woodworking, electronic and welding in. 
Staff at our school, have high expectations on the students both academically and behaviorally. We are building a culture of excellence in a safe and caring environment. We feel it is important that the staff, students, parents and community all work together to build our school culture. It takes a whole community to build a successful school. 
Morrin School is proud to offer a totally inclusive education to students with special learning needs fully integrated into the regular classroom. Staff are focused on differentiating instruction to meet the demands of the integrated program.

Contact Information:
Phone: 403-772-3838
Fax: 403-772-3868
Email: [email protected] 
Address: Box 10
Morrin, Alberta
T0J 2B0

Updated 9 years, 4 months ago on Mar 3rd, 2015