Programs and Services

Partnerships are fundamental to community building.  The FCSS Department has developed regional partnerships with community groups, to design and deliver social programs that are preventive in nature and are provided at the earliest opportunity, and to promote and enhance well-being among individuals, families and communities.  Together we are responsible for the planning, delivery and assessment of existing and new programs and services in response to identified needs in the community. Some of our community partners include:

Golden Prairie Parent Link Centre
supported by Starland Regional FCSS

Parenting is an awesome task!  We offer FREE programs for parents and caregivers with young children. Visit our website to find out times and venues. Join us for....

• Fun interactive weekly play programming in Delia, Morrin and Munson
• Parenting information, resources and classes for parents with children of all ages
• Monthly family events in various communities
• An opportunity to network with other parents
• Connections to other community resources
• Early childhood developmental screening

Contact our main office: 403-443-3800, email [email protected] or find us on Facebook and Twitter

ECMap and the Early Childhood Development Coalition

The ECMap project was part of the Government of Alberta's Early Child Development Mapping Initiative.  ECMap analyzed Early Development Instrument (EDI) data on more than 70,200 kindergarten-aged children, creating the first baseline early development results for Alberta. ECMap community development coordinators mobilized community coalitions across the province to work with the data and support positive outcomes.  Starland Regional FCSS is a member of the Drumheller and Area Early Childhood Development Coalition as well as the Hanna Coalition.  

The intent of this project is to provide communities throughout Alberta with information about the developmental progress of their preschool children and to assist those communities in implementing local plans to support children and families.  Now conversations include community members of all backgrounds. No longer is the discussion the realm of only those who are professionals employed in the early childhood field or government officials assigned the tasks. The data is transparent. All citizens have access to the profile of early childhood development for not only their own community but also of other communities in the province. Community coalitions made up of many different community members are reaching out to all citizens to find better ways to support their children’s early development.

As the ECMap project comes to a close, the work of trying to improve early childhood development in the province will continue. Local meetings, discussions and action planning will be ongoing as communities continue to embrace the notion that citizens have the opportunity and responsibility to contribute to the well-being of the very youngest members of our society. We are the villages that raise the children.

ECMap has now concluded its five-year research and community development mandate.  The project was funded by Alberta Education and based in the Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth and Families (CUP) at the University of Alberta.  The research information collected by ECMap was shared directly with 100 early childhood development (ECD) community coalitions, which were mobilized to work with the data and plan local responses.  As a result of the project and Alberta Education’s Early Child Development Mapping Initiative, Alberta now has its first province-wide picture of early childhood development with Early Development Instrument (EDI) baseline results for 70,200 young children.  Community coalitions, made up of broad based, diverse memberships, are active throughout the province, raising public awareness about the importance of the early years and making a positive, informed impact on policies, programming and supports related to young children and families.

The Early Childhood Development Mapping Project’s final report summarizes Early Development Instrument (EDI) baseline results for Alberta, provides an overview of the work done by coalitions in 100 communities throughout the province and puts forth recommendations for improving early childhood development outcomes.  The report and a LiveAtlas with early development information on communities throughout Alberta can be accessed on the ECMap website at  insert a link to this website

Next Steps

Following the five-year Early Childhood Development (ECD) Mapping Initiative, the ministries of Education, Health and Human Services are working to build on the learnings and successes of the five year research project to develop a sustainable, effective structure for the continuation of this work. 

The work of the ECD Mapping Initiative can be broken down into the following main components: collection of Early Development Instrument (EDI) data from school authorities; data analysis and mapping; and community engagement and mobilization through the Early Child Development (ECD) Coalitions. Alberta Education in collaboration with Health and Human Services, is exploring options to continue to collect, analyze and map EDI data. 

Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) have been identified as a potential partner to facilitate the ongoing work of community engagement and mobilization through ECD coalitions.

South Central FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a preventable, lifelong disability resulting from prenatal exposure to alcohol that has no cure. Addressing FASD is a complex, multidimensional, social and public health issue.  FASD is the umbrella term used to describe a range of disabilities that may include physical birth defects and health problems including developmental delays, learning disabilities, memory problems, as well as difficulties in communicating feelings and understanding consequences

The South Central FASD Committee recognizes that persons impacted by FASD are understood and valued. We are committed to empower, support and educate by means of advocacy, service delivery, partnership and collaboration.  The FASD Committee and partners are able to provide the following services:

• Advocacy
• Family Support for Children and Adults Impacted by FASD
• Community Links to Services
• Basic Life and Community Living Skills
• Information, Education & Support
• Referral to Diagnostic Assessment Teams

Family Resource Worker (FRW) Program 

The goal of the Family Resource Worker Program is to:
• Provide support services to students and their families which will contribute to their social and emotional well-being
• To coordinate and facilitate the delivery of preventive education programs within the school and community
• To provide opportunities for input and consultation with school staff, community members and agencies where appropriate
• To represent the Program and be a resource to school, community and agencies 

The Family Resource Worker is available to provide counseling and/or support services to an individual or family as well as children attending the Delia and Morrin schools.  The Family Resource Worker Program is a collaboration between the local schools, Prairie Land Regional School Division #25, Child and Family Services Authority and the Starland Regional Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) program. 

For more information on any of these programs contact:

Office: 403 772-3793
Fax: 403 772-3807

Updated 4 years, 10 months ago on Sep 19th, 2019