Wild Boar

Wild Pigs 

Wild Boar

Wild boar (or feral pigs) are a large and damaging invasive species that has quickly spread in Alberta. Wild boar were introduced in to Alberta in the 80s and 90s on farms during a period of agricultural diversification. Once escaped, or “at large”, wild boar are a regulated pest. Wild boar can be destructive to crops and native vegetation. Signs of wild boar include:

  • Crop damage- large areas of crop can be trampled
  • Wallowing- large areas of uprooted ground where they roll around in the mud
  • Tracks and trails- tracks can be seen in the mud or snow, including large trails from large groups
  • Droppings

Wild boar can breed with domesticated pigs and have the ability to transfer disease. An outbreak of foot and mouth disease could have devastating impacts on Alberta’s Pork producers. Once established in an area, wild boar are difficult to control. They reproduce quickly and have large litters.

Hunting has been shown to not be an effective control option. Professional trapping programs have been implemented to eradicate entire groups of wild boar, called "sounders" instead of just individuals. The best method of control however is prevention. The campaign "Squeal on Pigs" is an awareness and reporting program which aims to track the distribution of invasive wild pigs, manage their spread, and support management efforts in Canada. Early detection in municipalities with previously no confirmed sightings are very important to prevent establishment in the area. 


If you see signs of wild boar or see wild boar in your area, contact your Agricultural Fieldmen, call 310-Farm, or email [email protected]. Observation of wild boar can also be reported through the online app EDDMapsS. 


For more information about Wild boars, check out these sources:

