Prohibited Noxious and Noxious Weeds

Defined by the Alberta Weed Control Act, a Prohibited Noxious Weed is a weed that is required to be destroyed. These weeds can be contained and have not become as readily established in the province. 

A Noxious Weed is a weed that needs to be controlled. Plants that fall under this category are too established to be eradicated. For both Prohibited Noxious and Noxious weeds, the designation also include the plant's seeds. 


Noxious Weeds found in Starland County

Black Henbane Hand Pulled

Black Henbane

Black Henbane is commonly found in disturbed areas, like roadside ditches or the edges of fields. All parts of this plant are poisonous to people and animals, and it can cause a rash if it touches bare skin. For more information about Black Henbane, click here.


Canada Thistle

Canada Thistle

Canada Thistle is a common weed throughout the province and can be found in many different habitats. This plant is a strong competitor and can take over areas easily with its creeping root system. For more information about Canada Thistle, click here.


baby's Breath

Common Baby's Breath

Baby's Breath was originally introduced in the area as an ornamental flower. A single plant can produce up to 14,000 seeds, and is often sold in wildflower mixes. Check to see if it is in your mix and do not plant if it is. For more information about Baby's Breath, click here.


Common Mullein

Common Mullein

Common Mullein is a weed commonly found along roadsides and in disturbed areas. It was originally brought over to Canada from Europe as a medicinal plant. Common Mullein infestation can be hard to eradicate as their seeds can be viable for up to 100 years. For more information about Common Mullein, click here.



Common Tansy

Common Tansy was also introduced as an ornamental flower, and has since spread along river valleys and on the sides of roads. This plant can be mildly toxic to humans and animals. For more information about Common Tansy, click here.



Dame's Rocket

Dame's Rocket

Dame's Rocker is a member of the mustard family and was introduced as an ornamental flower. This plant often displaces native plants and can be found in moist habitats. For more information about Dame's Rocket, click here.



Leafy Spurge

Leafy Spurge

Leafy Spurge has an extensive root system that can form dense stands if left untreated. The plant contains a milky latex that can be an irritant to animals and cause severe skin rashes in humans. For more information on Leafy Spurge, click here.


Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye Daisy is an ornamental flower that was introduced from Europe. This plant can outcompete native vegetation and pasture species. Oxeye Daisies are often sold in wildflower mixes or in greenhouses- ensure you check the packet contents before planting in your garden. For more information on Oxeye Daisy, click here.


Sow Thistle

Perennial Sow Thistle

Sow Thistle can grow in a wide variety of habitats and can be especially problematic in riparian and wetland habitats. For more information on Perennial Sow Thistle, click here.


Scentless Chamomile

Scentless Chamomile 

Scentless Chamomile is tolerant to a wide variety of habitats, especially moist areas. A single plant can produce up to one million seeds and can be dispersed widely via streams and rivers. For more information on Scentless Chamomile, click here.


 White Cockle

White Cockle

White Cockle can be found in hayfields and tame pasture, which can cause issues with seed dispersal when the plants get baled and taken to other locations. For more information on White Cockle, click here.


 Yellow Toadflax

Yellow Toadflax

Yellow Toadflax was first introduced as an ornamental snapdragon variety. This species of toadflax can create large colonies that out-compete native plants. For more information on Yellow Toadflax, click here.


For more information about Alberta's Invasive Species, please visit Alberta Invasive Species Council (

To report or inquire about a weed, please contact Agricultural Services. 

View a weed identification guide below to help you learn what weeds are in your yard!