Seed Cleaning Plant needs you

26 March 2021

The Starland Seed Plant has extended the deadline to purchase shares in our proposed new facility. This is an ambitious project and requires full support by the farm community to be successful. We are reaching out to those who may not know about this project or are waiting to see where it is headed before committing. As of this writing, March 25th, we have 71 farm investors plus all 6 Colonies in Starland County participating with just over 1.2 million invested. This equates into over 240,000 acres of cultivated land or 57% of the land base in Starland County. This is fantastic, but we are still a bit short. If we can raise $250,000 or more in Investor share equity in the next 10 days this project has a legitimate chance of succeeding. The minimum cost to purchase 1 membership and an investment share is $550 and this provides you with 350 bushels of reduced rate cleaning value plus other benefits the founding members will receive. 

If you believe in the potential of this project or need more information on how it may be of value to you, please contact any of the members below. We will update you on the project and can help you fill out a share subscription if you choose to participate. 

The deadline is Friday April 2nd, 2021 and this will determine if this project proceeds so do not delay. We are closing in on the finish line but need your support to get there. On behalf of the Starland Seed Plant Board and management we thank you.

Manager Brad Olsen 403-364-3733
Chairman Murray Marshall 403-665-2479
Bob Sargent 403-820-1509
Gordan Friedley 403-823-0600
John Clayholt 403-820-4535
Cam Graham 403-820-0637
Brian Heck 403-823-0649
Walter Reding 403-334-1271
Kevin Koustrup 403-820-4703
Clayton Quashnick 403-826-4365
Secretary Alan Hampton 403-321-1287