Agricultural Pest Management

Agricultural pests and nuisances are defined under the Alberta Agricultural Pest Act as any animal, bird, insect, plant, or disease that negatively impacts agricultural production.

Starland County is responsible for protecting the agricultural productivity of the municipality by controlling these introduced and native pests. Private landowners are also accountable for controlling pests on their properties.  

As per the Agricultural Pests Act, an owner or occupant of land may prevent the establishment of, control, or destroy a nuisance or pest on the land they own or occupy. Additionally, the owner or occupant of land should; take active measures to prevent the establishment of pests, control or destroy pests on their land, or destroy a crop, vegetation, or other carriers that could aid in the spread of the pest.

The Municipality shall enforce the act to prevent the establishment of, and to control or destroy, all pests in their region.


Coyote control on your land


Agricultural Insect Pests


Rats in Alberta